So I still can't figure out how to get more than 4 pictures on one post, so I'm going to keep doing collages!! Sorry! Top R is Andy & Brad playing "catch", Randy LOVED it!!! Next is a family picture from Erik & Steph's wedding!!! Then the kids in their dress clothes!!!! Just a pic of me & the kids!! Randy helping Grandpa drive (well, really he just honks the horn) & loving it!! Playing with my cousins, Jake & Megan, Courtney just chillin', their cousins "feeding" them in their chairs, which we had to take off the chairs, cause we needed them for the adults!! :-) My brother, sister, parents & Andy came over, between the three of us kids, we have 10 KIDS & then adults, so needless to say, my house was BUSY for the night!!! But it was great gettting to see my brother's kids, we only see um every 2 years (military, based in Germany)!!! A family pic, and Andy's wearing the "I Love Daddy" bib, cause our Dad couldn't make it! LOL. The kids drinking the delicious tub water!! More wedding pic's, that turned out wonderful!!!